Pervasive transition of the Brazilian land-use system

Pervasive transition of the Brazilian land-use system

David M. Lapola, Luiz A. Martinelli, Carlos A. Peres, Jean P. H. B. Ometto, Manuel E. Ferreira, Carlos A. Nobre, Ana Paula D. Aguiar, Mercedes M. C. Bustamante, Manoel F. Cardoso, Marcos H. Costa, Carlos A. Joly, Christiane C. Leite, Paulo Moutinho, Gilvan Sampaio, Bernardo B. N. Strassburg, Ima C....



Agriculture, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and local/regional climate change have been closely intertwined in Brazil. Recent studies show that this relationship has been changing since the mid 2000s, with the burgeoning intensification and commoditization of Brazilian agriculture. On one...


Pervasive transition of the Brazilian land-use system

David M. Lapola, Luiz A. Martinelli, Carlos A. Peres, Jean P. H. B. Ometto, Manuel E. Ferreira, Carlos A. Nobre, Ana Paula D. Aguiar, Mercedes M. C. Bustamante, Manoel F. Cardoso, Marcos H. Costa, Carlos A. Joly, Christiane C. Leite, Paulo Moutinho, Gilvan Sampaio, Bernardo B. N. Strassburg, Ima C....


Pervasive transition of the Brazilian land-use system

David M. Lapola, Luiz A. Martinelli, Carlos A. Peres, Jean P. H. B. Ometto, Manuel E. Ferreira, Carlos A. Nobre, Ana Paula D. Aguiar, Mercedes M. C. Bustamante, Manoel F. Cardoso, Marcos H. Costa, Carlos A. Joly, Christiane C. Leite, Paulo Moutinho, Gilvan Sampaio, Bernardo B. N. Strassburg, Ima C....


    Nature climate change

    Vol. 4 (2014), p. 27-35