The role of leaf traits in determining litter flammability of south-eastern amazon tree species

The role of leaf traits in determining litter flammability of south-eastern amazon tree species

Amoreena L. Parsons, Jennifer K. Balch, Rafael B. de Andrade, Paulo M. Brando



Agradecimentos: Rodney Erickson Fund in Geography at Penn State University

Leaf traits can limit or promote flammability, but how these traits vary and influence forest flammability in humid tropical forests is unknown. Species within the south-eastern transitional forests of the Brazilian Amazon are experiencing fire, particularly surface fires, with greater frequency and...


The role of leaf traits in determining litter flammability of south-eastern amazon tree species

Amoreena L. Parsons, Jennifer K. Balch, Rafael B. de Andrade, Paulo M. Brando


The role of leaf traits in determining litter flammability of south-eastern amazon tree species

Amoreena L. Parsons, Jennifer K. Balch, Rafael B. de Andrade, Paulo M. Brando


    International Journal of Wildland Fire

    Vol. 24, no. 8 (Oct., 2015), p. 1143-1153