Development and characterization of microsatellite markers from Guarea guidonia (Meliaceae), a tree species from different habitats within the Brazilian Atlantic forest

Development and characterization of microsatellite markers from Guarea guidonia (Meliaceae), a tree species from different habitats within the Brazilian Atlantic forest

Paula Feliciano de Lima, Flavio Nunes Ramos, Maria Imaculada Zucchi, Regina Helena Geribello Priolli, Carlos Augusto Colombo, Vera Nisaka Solferini



The tree species Guarea guidonea (Meliaceae) belongs to a predominantly tropical family, being largely found in natural or anthropic forest fragments within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Aiming to develop future studies on the genetic structure of plant species from forests fragments, eleven...


Development and characterization of microsatellite markers from Guarea guidonia (Meliaceae), a tree species from different habitats within the Brazilian Atlantic forest

Paula Feliciano de Lima, Flavio Nunes Ramos, Maria Imaculada Zucchi, Regina Helena Geribello Priolli, Carlos Augusto Colombo, Vera Nisaka Solferini


Development and characterization of microsatellite markers from Guarea guidonia (Meliaceae), a tree species from different habitats within the Brazilian Atlantic forest

Paula Feliciano de Lima, Flavio Nunes Ramos, Maria Imaculada Zucchi, Regina Helena Geribello Priolli, Carlos Augusto Colombo, Vera Nisaka Solferini


    Conservation Genetics Resources

    Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec., 2009), p. 171-173