Maternal high-fat feeding through pregnancy and lactation predisposes mouse offspring to molecular insulin resistance and fatty liver

Maternal high-fat feeding through pregnancy and lactation predisposes mouse offspring to molecular insulin resistance and fatty liver

Nicole G. Ashino, Karen N. Saito, Flavia D. Souza, Fernanda S. Nakutz, Erika A. Roman, Licio A. Velloso, Adriana S. Torsoni, Marcio A. Torsoni



The exposure to an increased supply of nutrients before birth may contribute to offspring obesity. Offspring from obese dams that chronically consume a high-fat diet present clinical features of metabolic syndrome, liver lipid accumulation and activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) consistent...


Maternal high-fat feeding through pregnancy and lactation predisposes mouse offspring to molecular insulin resistance and fatty liver

Nicole G. Ashino, Karen N. Saito, Flavia D. Souza, Fernanda S. Nakutz, Erika A. Roman, Licio A. Velloso, Adriana S. Torsoni, Marcio A. Torsoni


Maternal high-fat feeding through pregnancy and lactation predisposes mouse offspring to molecular insulin resistance and fatty liver

Nicole G. Ashino, Karen N. Saito, Flavia D. Souza, Fernanda S. Nakutz, Erika A. Roman, Licio A. Velloso, Adriana S. Torsoni, Marcio A. Torsoni


    The journal of nutritional biochemistry

    Vol. 23, no. 4 (Apr., 2012), p. 341-348