Defining blood group gene reference alleles by long-read sequencing : proof of concept in the ACKR1 gene encoding the duffy antigens

Defining blood group gene reference alleles by long-read sequencing : proof of concept in the ACKR1 gene encoding the duffy antigens

Y. Fichou, I. Berlivet, G. Richard, C. Tournamille, L. Castilho, C. Férec



Agradecimentos: This study was supported by the Direction de la Recherche et de la Valorisation (DRV) of the Etablissement français du sang (EFS) (AAP2017-19)

In the novel era of blood group genomics, (re-)defining reference gene/allele sequences of blood group genes has become an important goal to achieve, both for diagnostic and research purposes. As novel potent sequencing technologies are available, we thought to investigate the variability...


Defining blood group gene reference alleles by long-read sequencing : proof of concept in the ACKR1 gene encoding the duffy antigens

Y. Fichou, I. Berlivet, G. Richard, C. Tournamille, L. Castilho, C. Férec


Defining blood group gene reference alleles by long-read sequencing : proof of concept in the ACKR1 gene encoding the duffy antigens

Y. Fichou, I. Berlivet, G. Richard, C. Tournamille, L. Castilho, C. Férec


    Transfusion medicine and hemotherapy

    Vol. 47, no. 1 (Feb., 2020), p. 23-32