Numerical-experimental analysis of a carbon-phenolic composite via plasma jet ablation test

Numerical-experimental analysis of a carbon-phenolic composite via plasma jet ablation test

Pedro Guilherme Silva Pesci, Humberto Araújo Machado, Homero de Paula e Silva, Cristian Cley Paterniani Rita, Gilberto Petraconi Filho, Edson Cocchieri Botelho



Materials used in space vehicles components are subjected to thermally aggressive environments when exposed to atmospheric reentry. In order to protect the payload and the vehicle itself, ablative composites are employed as TPS (Thermal Protection System)


Numerical-experimental analysis of a carbon-phenolic composite via plasma jet ablation test

Pedro Guilherme Silva Pesci, Humberto Araújo Machado, Homero de Paula e Silva, Cristian Cley Paterniani Rita, Gilberto Petraconi Filho, Edson Cocchieri Botelho


Numerical-experimental analysis of a carbon-phenolic composite via plasma jet ablation test

Pedro Guilherme Silva Pesci, Humberto Araújo Machado, Homero de Paula e Silva, Cristian Cley Paterniani Rita, Gilberto Petraconi Filho, Edson Cocchieri Botelho


    Materials research express

    Vol. 5, no. 6 (June, 2018), n. art. 65601