The influence of tweets and news on the Brazilian stock market through sentiment analysis

The influence of tweets and news on the Brazilian stock market through sentiment analysis

Arthur E. de O. Carosia, Guilherme P. Coelho, Ana E. A. da Silva



Este capítulo foi apresentado no evento Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (WebMedia), 2019

Abstract: The World Wide Web (WWW) is one of the main sources of opinions nowadays. Whether through news sites, blogs or social networks, a lot of information is available to explore. Thus, a great amount of applications has arisen to explore this knowledge through automatic sentiment and opinion...


The influence of tweets and news on the Brazilian stock market through sentiment analysis

Arthur E. de O. Carosia, Guilherme P. Coelho, Ana E. A. da Silva


The influence of tweets and news on the Brazilian stock market through sentiment analysis

Arthur E. de O. Carosia, Guilherme P. Coelho, Ana E. A. da Silva


    Proceedings of the 25th Brazillian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web

    New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery, 2019.

    p. 385-392