Tongue force, oral health–related quality of life, and sleep index after bruxism management with intraoral devices

Tongue force, oral health–related quality of life, and sleep index after bruxism management with intraoral devices

M.B. Câmara-Souza, O.M.C. Figueredo, R.C.M. Rodrigues Garcia



Occlusal devices are the gold standard for managing the signs and symptoms of sleep bruxism (SB). Nevertheless, their influence on the tongue, quality of life, and sleep quality is not clear. The purpose of this prospective clinical study was to evaluate the effects of an occlusal device on maximum...


Tongue force, oral health–related quality of life, and sleep index after bruxism management with intraoral devices

M.B. Câmara-Souza, O.M.C. Figueredo, R.C.M. Rodrigues Garcia


Tongue force, oral health–related quality of life, and sleep index after bruxism management with intraoral devices

M.B. Câmara-Souza, O.M.C. Figueredo, R.C.M. Rodrigues Garcia


    Journal of prosthetic dentistry

    (Dec., 2019)