Assessment of the bioavailability of an antibiotic prophylactic protocol in patients undergoing third molar surgery

Assessment of the bioavailability of an antibiotic prophylactic protocol in patients undergoing third molar surgery

P. C. Aravena, K. Yatabe, A. Jerez, H. Monardes, F. C. Groppo, Bruna Benso



Agradecimentos: We wish to thank the maxillofacial surgeons Günther Preisler and Paulo García, as well as the pharmacology laboratory technicians Julio Bravo and Eduardo Barrientos for their participation in the study. This article was translated into English and revised by Dr Helen Lowry

The aim of this prospective study was to determine the antibiotic bioavailability of a prophylactic protocol in patients undergoing third molar surgery. Samples from 25 patients were analysed (average age 21 +/- 3.89 years, range 18-33 years; 14 female). The patients received single-dose prophylaxis...


Assessment of the bioavailability of an antibiotic prophylactic protocol in patients undergoing third molar surgery

P. C. Aravena, K. Yatabe, A. Jerez, H. Monardes, F. C. Groppo, Bruna Benso


Assessment of the bioavailability of an antibiotic prophylactic protocol in patients undergoing third molar surgery

P. C. Aravena, K. Yatabe, A. Jerez, H. Monardes, F. C. Groppo, Bruna Benso


    International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery

    Vol. 48, no. 11 (Nov., 2019), p. 1470-1474