Evaluation of a metal artefact reduction tool on different positions of a metal object in the FOV

Evaluation of a metal artefact reduction tool on different positions of a metal object in the FOV

Polyane M. Queiroz, Gustavo M. Santaella, Thais D. J. da Paz, Deborah Q. Freitas



To evaluate the action of a metal artefact reduction (MAR) tool when artefact-generator metal object is at different positions in the field of view (FOV). A cylindrical utility wax phantom, with a metal alloy sample inside, was made. The phantom was positioned centrally and peripherally in the FOV...


Evaluation of a metal artefact reduction tool on different positions of a metal object in the FOV

Polyane M. Queiroz, Gustavo M. Santaella, Thais D. J. da Paz, Deborah Q. Freitas


Evaluation of a metal artefact reduction tool on different positions of a metal object in the FOV

Polyane M. Queiroz, Gustavo M. Santaella, Thais D. J. da Paz, Deborah Q. Freitas


    Dentomaxillofacial radiology

    Vol. 46, no. 3 (Mar., 2017), n. art. 20160366