Evaluation of the zygomatic bone by cone beam computed tomography

Evaluation of the zygomatic bone by cone beam computed tomography

Helena Aguiar Ribeiro Nascimento, Maria Augusta Portella Guedes Visconti, Paulo de Tarso Silva Macedo, Francisco Haiter-Neto, Deborah Queiroz Freitas



The zygomatic bone (ZB) has been an effective option in the rehabilitation of the atrophic edentulous maxilla, in restoration of the low projection of the maxilla and in insertion of miniplates in maxillofacial fracture; it is situated near to air cells. In this way, the aim of this study was to...


Evaluation of the zygomatic bone by cone beam computed tomography

Helena Aguiar Ribeiro Nascimento, Maria Augusta Portella Guedes Visconti, Paulo de Tarso Silva Macedo, Francisco Haiter-Neto, Deborah Queiroz Freitas


Evaluation of the zygomatic bone by cone beam computed tomography

Helena Aguiar Ribeiro Nascimento, Maria Augusta Portella Guedes Visconti, Paulo de Tarso Silva Macedo, Francisco Haiter-Neto, Deborah Queiroz Freitas


    Surgical and radiologic anatomy

    Vol. 37, no. 1 (Jan., 2015), p. 55-60