Validation of a cariogenic biofilm model to evaluate the effect of fluoride on enamel and root dentine demineralization

Validation of a cariogenic biofilm model to evaluate the effect of fluoride on enamel and root dentine demineralization

Constanza E. Fernández, Livia M. A. Tenuta, Jaime A. Cury



Due to gingival recession both enamel and root dentine are at risk of developing caries. Both tissues are exposed to a similar environment, however there is not a validated model to evaluate the effect of fluoride on these dental substrates simultaneously. Hence, this study aimed to validate a...


Validation of a cariogenic biofilm model to evaluate the effect of fluoride on enamel and root dentine demineralization

Constanza E. Fernández, Livia M. A. Tenuta, Jaime A. Cury


Validation of a cariogenic biofilm model to evaluate the effect of fluoride on enamel and root dentine demineralization

Constanza E. Fernández, Livia M. A. Tenuta, Jaime A. Cury


    PLoS one

    Vol. 11, no. 1 (Jan., 2016), p. 1-13, n. art. e0146478