Extensive oral mucormycosis in a transplanted patient

Extensive oral mucormycosis in a transplanted patient

Bernar Monteiro Benites, Felipe Paiva Fonseca, Claudia Joffily Parahyba, Sergio Samir Arap, Yana Augusta Novis, Eduardo Rodrigues Fregnani



Mucormycosis is an invasive fungal disease caused by fungi from the Mucorales order that are found in the soil and decaying organic debris. Mucormycosis has been reported to be the third most common fungal disease in stem cell transplanted patients. The fungi have a tendency for vascular invasion,...


Extensive oral mucormycosis in a transplanted patient

Bernar Monteiro Benites, Felipe Paiva Fonseca, Claudia Joffily Parahyba, Sergio Samir Arap, Yana Augusta Novis, Eduardo Rodrigues Fregnani


Extensive oral mucormycosis in a transplanted patient

Bernar Monteiro Benites, Felipe Paiva Fonseca, Claudia Joffily Parahyba, Sergio Samir Arap, Yana Augusta Novis, Eduardo Rodrigues Fregnani


    Journal of craniofacial surgery

    Vol. 28, no. 1 (Jan., 2017), p. E4-E5