Anesthetic efficacy and pain induced by dental anesthesia : the influence of gender and menstrual cycle

Anesthetic efficacy and pain induced by dental anesthesia : the influence of gender and menstrual cycle

G. R. Tofoli, J. C. Ramacciato, M. C. Volpato, J. G. Meechan, J. Ranali, F. C. Groppo



Abstract: To assess the influence of the menstrual cycle and oral contraceptives on pain sensitivity and local anesthetic effectiveness. Thirty volunteers were designated into 3 groups (n = 10): group 1, women using contraceptives; group 2, women not using contraceptives; and group 3, men. Groups 1...


Anesthetic efficacy and pain induced by dental anesthesia : the influence of gender and menstrual cycle

G. R. Tofoli, J. C. Ramacciato, M. C. Volpato, J. G. Meechan, J. Ranali, F. C. Groppo


Anesthetic efficacy and pain induced by dental anesthesia : the influence of gender and menstrual cycle

G. R. Tofoli, J. C. Ramacciato, M. C. Volpato, J. G. Meechan, J. Ranali, F. C. Groppo


    Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology and endodontics

    Vol. 103, no. 2 (Feb., 2007), p. E34-E38