Influence of different adhesive protocols on ceramic bond strength and degree of conversion of resin cements

Influence of different adhesive protocols on ceramic bond strength and degree of conversion of resin cements

Mayra de Mello Fabiao, Thiago Henrique Scarabello Stape, Cristiane Rumi Fujiwara Yanikian, Adriano Fonseca de Lima, Eliane Cristina Gava Pizi, Giselle Maria Marchi Baron, Luis Roberto Marcondes Martins



Since light-curing through ceramic dental restorations can be attenuated by the material crystalline structure, the use of specific adhesive protocols might enhance bonding effectiveness of dual-cure resin cements. This study evaluated the micro-shear bond strength (mu SBS) of different adhesive...


Influence of different adhesive protocols on ceramic bond strength and degree of conversion of resin cements

Mayra de Mello Fabiao, Thiago Henrique Scarabello Stape, Cristiane Rumi Fujiwara Yanikian, Adriano Fonseca de Lima, Eliane Cristina Gava Pizi, Giselle Maria Marchi Baron, Luis Roberto Marcondes Martins


Influence of different adhesive protocols on ceramic bond strength and degree of conversion of resin cements

Mayra de Mello Fabiao, Thiago Henrique Scarabello Stape, Cristiane Rumi Fujiwara Yanikian, Adriano Fonseca de Lima, Eliane Cristina Gava Pizi, Giselle Maria Marchi Baron, Luis Roberto Marcondes Martins


    International journal of adhesion and adhesives

    (Oct., 2015), p. 7-13