Dental anthropology of a brazilian sample : frequency of nonmetric traits

Dental anthropology of a brazilian sample : frequency of nonmetric traits

Rachel Lima Ribeiro Tinoco, Laise Nascimento Correia Lima, Fabio Delwing, Luiz Francesquini Junior, Eduardo Daruge Junior



Dental elements are valuable tools in a study of ancient populations and species, and key-features for human identification; among the dental anthropology field, nonmetric traits, standardized by ASUDAS, are closely related to ancestry. This study aimed to analyze the frequency of six nonmetric...


Dental anthropology of a brazilian sample : frequency of nonmetric traits

Rachel Lima Ribeiro Tinoco, Laise Nascimento Correia Lima, Fabio Delwing, Luiz Francesquini Junior, Eduardo Daruge Junior


Dental anthropology of a brazilian sample : frequency of nonmetric traits

Rachel Lima Ribeiro Tinoco, Laise Nascimento Correia Lima, Fabio Delwing, Luiz Francesquini Junior, Eduardo Daruge Junior


    Forensic science international

    Vol. 258 (Jan., 2015), p. 102-U117