Comparison of the accuracy of different transfer impression techniques for osseointegrated implants

Comparison of the accuracy of different transfer impression techniques for osseointegrated implants

Bruno Massucato Zen, Eveline Freitas Soares, Mariana Agustinho Rodrigues, Leonardo Flores Luthi, Rafael Leonardo X. Consani, Marcelo Ferraz Mesquita, Guilherme Elias Pessanha Henriques



The aim of this study was to evaluate 3 transfer techniques used to obtain working casts of implant-supported prostheses through the marginal misfit and strain induced to metallic framework. Thirty working casts were obtained from a metallic master cast, each one containing 2 implant analogs...


Comparison of the accuracy of different transfer impression techniques for osseointegrated implants

Bruno Massucato Zen, Eveline Freitas Soares, Mariana Agustinho Rodrigues, Leonardo Flores Luthi, Rafael Leonardo X. Consani, Marcelo Ferraz Mesquita, Guilherme Elias Pessanha Henriques


Comparison of the accuracy of different transfer impression techniques for osseointegrated implants

Bruno Massucato Zen, Eveline Freitas Soares, Mariana Agustinho Rodrigues, Leonardo Flores Luthi, Rafael Leonardo X. Consani, Marcelo Ferraz Mesquita, Guilherme Elias Pessanha Henriques


    Journal of oral implantology

    Vol. 41, no. 6 (Dec., 2015), p. 662-667