Counter-regulatory phosphatases TNAP and NPP1 temporally regulate tooth root cementogenesis

Counter-regulatory phosphatases TNAP and NPP1 temporally regulate tooth root cementogenesis

Laura E Zweifler, Mudita K Patel, Francisco H Nociti Jr, Helen F Wimer, Jose L Millán, Martha J Somerman, Brian L Foster



Cementum is critical for anchoring the insertion of periodontal ligament fibers to the tooth root. Several aspects of cementogenesis remain unclear, including differences between acellular cementum and cellular cementum, and between cementum and bone. Biomineralization is regulated by the ratio of...


Counter-regulatory phosphatases TNAP and NPP1 temporally regulate tooth root cementogenesis

Laura E Zweifler, Mudita K Patel, Francisco H Nociti Jr, Helen F Wimer, Jose L Millán, Martha J Somerman, Brian L Foster


Counter-regulatory phosphatases TNAP and NPP1 temporally regulate tooth root cementogenesis

Laura E Zweifler, Mudita K Patel, Francisco H Nociti Jr, Helen F Wimer, Jose L Millán, Martha J Somerman, Brian L Foster


    International journal of oral science

    Vol. 7 (2015), p. 27-41