Micro-CT evaluation of the radioprotective effect of resveratrol on the mandibular incisors of irradiated rats

Micro-CT evaluation of the radioprotective effect of resveratrol on the mandibular incisors of irradiated rats

Gabriella Lopes de Rezende Barbosa, Luiz André Pimenta, Solange Maria de Almeida



The purpose of this study was to perform a microcomputed tomographic evaluation of the radioprotective effect of resveratrol on the volume of mandibular incisors of irradiated rats. A second aim was to make a quantitative assessment of the effect of x-ray exposure on these dental tissues. Twenty...


Micro-CT evaluation of the radioprotective effect of resveratrol on the mandibular incisors of irradiated rats

Gabriella Lopes de Rezende Barbosa, Luiz André Pimenta, Solange Maria de Almeida


Micro-CT evaluation of the radioprotective effect of resveratrol on the mandibular incisors of irradiated rats

Gabriella Lopes de Rezende Barbosa, Luiz André Pimenta, Solange Maria de Almeida


    Brazilian oral research

    Vol. 30, no. 1 (2016), n. art. e168