Metal-free restorations : esthetic considerations, treatment planning, preparation, manufacturing, luting, and followup

Metal-free restorations : esthetic considerations, treatment planning, preparation, manufacturing, luting, and followup

Hamit S. Cotert, Handan Yilmaz, Cem Kurtoglu, Flavio H. B. Aguiar, Ahmet U. Guler

Metal-free restorations : esthetic considerations, treatment planning, preparation, manufacturing, luting, and followup

Hamit S. Cotert, Handan Yilmaz, Cem Kurtoglu, Flavio H. B. Aguiar, Ahmet U. Guler


Metal-free restorations : esthetic considerations, treatment planning, preparation, manufacturing, luting, and followup

Hamit S. Cotert, Handan Yilmaz, Cem Kurtoglu, Flavio H. B. Aguiar, Ahmet U. Guler


    Biomed research international

    Vol. 2015 (2015), n. art. 382418