Teaching multivariable model predictive control in a laboratory scale three-tank process

Teaching multivariable model predictive control in a laboratory scale three-tank process

V. S. Ramos, H. J. Sena, A. M. F. Fileti, F. V. Silva



This paper proposes to study the potential of use a three-tank system in laboratory scale to teach how to design a predictive controller (MPC) applied to a system with multiple inputs/multiple outputs (MIMO). An algorithm that predicts the future behavior of the plant characterizes the controllers...


Teaching multivariable model predictive control in a laboratory scale three-tank process

V. S. Ramos, H. J. Sena, A. M. F. Fileti, F. V. Silva


Teaching multivariable model predictive control in a laboratory scale three-tank process

V. S. Ramos, H. J. Sena, A. M. F. Fileti, F. V. Silva


    Chemical engineering transactions

    Vol. 57 (2017), p. 1579-1584