Integration of microalgae production with industrial biofuel facilities : A critical review

Integration of microalgae production with industrial biofuel facilities : A critical review

Bruno Colling Klein, Antonio Bonomi, Rubens Maciel Filho



Microalgae are a promising aquatic culture for supplying biofuels and other bioproducts in the near- to medium-term. For this potential to develop into reality, an interesting alternative is to couple microalgae production with large-scale facilities in order to benefit from process integration....


Integration of microalgae production with industrial biofuel facilities : A critical review

Bruno Colling Klein, Antonio Bonomi, Rubens Maciel Filho


Integration of microalgae production with industrial biofuel facilities : A critical review

Bruno Colling Klein, Antonio Bonomi, Rubens Maciel Filho


    Renewable and sustainable energy reviews

    Vol. 82, pt 1 (Feb., 2018), p. 1376-1392