Guide for recommended practices to perform crack tip opening displacement tests in high strength low alloy steels

Guide for recommended practices to perform crack tip opening displacement tests in high strength low alloy steels

Julián A. Ávila, Vinicius Lima, Cassius O. F. T. Ruchert, Paulo Roberto Mei, Antonio J. Ramirez



Agradecimentos: The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Colciencias for granting the scholarship No. 512 from 2010. Also, to Petrobras and LNNano/CNPEM for providing economic funding and the laboratories where this work was developed. Special thank to David Read and Alex...

Fracture mechanics approach is important for all mechanical and civil projects that might involve cracks in metallic materials, and especially for those using welding as a structural joining process. This methodology can enhance not only the design but also the service life of the structures being...


Guide for recommended practices to perform crack tip opening displacement tests in high strength low alloy steels

Julián A. Ávila, Vinicius Lima, Cassius O. F. T. Ruchert, Paulo Roberto Mei, Antonio J. Ramirez


Guide for recommended practices to perform crack tip opening displacement tests in high strength low alloy steels

Julián A. Ávila, Vinicius Lima, Cassius O. F. T. Ruchert, Paulo Roberto Mei, Antonio J. Ramirez


    Revista soldagem e inspeção

    Vol. 21, no. 3 (July/Sept., 2016)