Theoretical study on the effect of glycerol fraction in slurries with biomass consumed by a power generation process

Theoretical study on the effect of glycerol fraction in slurries with biomass consumed by a power generation process

Marcio L. de Souza-Santos, Michael A. Camara



Previous works have shown that glycerol, which is a residue from biodiesel production, can be applied to greatly increase the efficiency of power generation processes consuming biomass, such as sugar cane bagasse (SCB). The proposed process departs from a biomass and glycerol slurry, which is pumped...


Theoretical study on the effect of glycerol fraction in slurries with biomass consumed by a power generation process

Marcio L. de Souza-Santos, Michael A. Camara


Theoretical study on the effect of glycerol fraction in slurries with biomass consumed by a power generation process

Marcio L. de Souza-Santos, Michael A. Camara


    Energy and fuels

    Vol. 32, no. 1 (Jan., 2018), p. 497-509