Stabilized least squares finite element method for 2D and 3D convection-diffusion

Stabilized least squares finite element method for 2D and 3D convection-diffusion

V D Pereira, J. B. C. Silva, L. F. M. Moura, E. C. Romão



In this study, a computational code has been developed based into Finite Elements Method in the version of LSFEM (Least Squares Finite Element Method). The numeric development of this method has as a main advantage, the obtaining of an always symmetrical and defined positive algebraic system,...


Stabilized least squares finite element method for 2D and 3D convection-diffusion

V D Pereira, J. B. C. Silva, L. F. M. Moura, E. C. Romão


Stabilized least squares finite element method for 2D and 3D convection-diffusion

V D Pereira, J. B. C. Silva, L. F. M. Moura, E. C. Romão


    WSEAS transactions on applied and theoretical mechanics

    Vol. 9 (2014), p. 45-59