Supervision and control architecture for CNC machine TOOL using rapid prototyping

Supervision and control architecture for CNC machine TOOL using rapid prototyping

João Mauricio Rosario, Daniel Kubiak, Edgard Oliveira, Almiro Franco Silveira, Leonimer F. Melo



CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine tools are high precision milling devices largely employed due to their high precision and simultaneous positioning and speed control of each machine axis. The main objective of this paper is to develop a virtual environment using rapid prototyping tools...


Supervision and control architecture for CNC machine TOOL using rapid prototyping

João Mauricio Rosario, Daniel Kubiak, Edgard Oliveira, Almiro Franco Silveira, Leonimer F. Melo


Supervision and control architecture for CNC machine TOOL using rapid prototyping

João Mauricio Rosario, Daniel Kubiak, Edgard Oliveira, Almiro Franco Silveira, Leonimer F. Melo


    International review of mechanical engineering

    Vol. 9, no. 3 (May, 2015)