Feature extraction and pattern identification of silent speech by using MFCC, DTW and AI algorithms

Feature extraction and pattern identification of silent speech by using MFCC, DTW and AI algorithms

Diego Alfonso Rojas, Olga Lucia Ramos, João Mauricio Rosário



At present are many the ways of communication, that allow the interaction among people of the same society, a particular case of these communication ways appears the silent speech, but it is still in study and development. Silent speech, is to acquire the signals generated in the vocal apparatus...


Feature extraction and pattern identification of silent speech by using MFCC, DTW and AI algorithms

Diego Alfonso Rojas, Olga Lucia Ramos, João Mauricio Rosário


Feature extraction and pattern identification of silent speech by using MFCC, DTW and AI algorithms

Diego Alfonso Rojas, Olga Lucia Ramos, João Mauricio Rosário


    Journal of engineering and applied sciences

    Vol. 11 (July, 2016), p. 8500-8510