Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of sugar cane renewable jet fuel

Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of sugar cane renewable jet fuel

Marcelo Moreira, Angelo C. Gurgel, Joaquim E. A. Seabra



This study evaluated the life cycle GHG emissions of a renewable jet fuel produced from sugar cane in Brazil under a consequential approach. The analysis included the direct and indirect emissions associated with sugar cane production and fuel processing, distribution, and use for a projected 2020...


Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of sugar cane renewable jet fuel

Marcelo Moreira, Angelo C. Gurgel, Joaquim E. A. Seabra


Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of sugar cane renewable jet fuel

Marcelo Moreira, Angelo C. Gurgel, Joaquim E. A. Seabra


    Environmental science and technology

    Vol. 48, no. 24 (Dec., 2014), p. 14756-14763