A comparison of commercial ethanol production systems from Brazilian sugarcane and US corn

A comparison of commercial ethanol production systems from Brazilian sugarcane and US corn

Helena L. Chum, Ethan Warner, Joaquim E.A. Seabra, Isaias C. Macedo



Global biofuels production grew rapidly from 2007 to 2012, led by the United States and Brazil, the world's two largest fuel‐ethanol‐producing systems. In this paper we provide insights into the characteristics of mature Brazilian sugarcane and maturing US dry mill corn ethanol industries. Both...


A comparison of commercial ethanol production systems from Brazilian sugarcane and US corn

Helena L. Chum, Ethan Warner, Joaquim E.A. Seabra, Isaias C. Macedo


A comparison of commercial ethanol production systems from Brazilian sugarcane and US corn

Helena L. Chum, Ethan Warner, Joaquim E.A. Seabra, Isaias C. Macedo


    Biofuels, bioproducts and biorefining

    Vol. 8, no. 2 (Mar., 2014), p. 205-223