Presentation of retrofitting methodologies for automated manufacturing cells for the industry concept 4.0.

Presentation of retrofitting methodologies for automated manufacturing cells for the industry concept 4.0.

João Mauricio Rosário, Helder Aníbal Hermini, Fernando Bianchi



This paper proposes the retrofitting of equipment and processes available in a manufacturing didactic plant, composed of workstations embedded in its automated systems, formed by actuators and sensors connected to the AS-i network and at the PLC of each station, which are connected in PROFIBUS...


Presentation of retrofitting methodologies for automated manufacturing cells for the industry concept 4.0.

João Mauricio Rosário, Helder Aníbal Hermini, Fernando Bianchi


Presentation of retrofitting methodologies for automated manufacturing cells for the industry concept 4.0.

João Mauricio Rosário, Helder Aníbal Hermini, Fernando Bianchi


    GEPROS : gestão da produção, operações e sistemas

    Vol. 15, no. 1 (Mar., 2020), p. 300-315