Dynamic modeling and PID control of an underwater robot based on the hardware-in-the-loop method

Dynamic modeling and PID control of an underwater robot based on the hardware-in-the-loop method

Ruben Dario Hernández Beleño, Pablo Andrés Mora Gonzales, Oscar Fernando Avilés Sánchez, Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira



In this paper, the validation of the mathematical model for an aquatic robot is presented, by implementing it in MATLAB´s Simulink toolbox to evaluate the system’s natural behavior and then running it on a dSPACE card. Subsequently, a PID control for the robot’s depth, which is programmed, compiled...


Dynamic modeling and PID control of an underwater robot based on the hardware-in-the-loop method

Ruben Dario Hernández Beleño, Pablo Andrés Mora Gonzales, Oscar Fernando Avilés Sánchez, Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira


Dynamic modeling and PID control of an underwater robot based on the hardware-in-the-loop method

Ruben Dario Hernández Beleño, Pablo Andrés Mora Gonzales, Oscar Fernando Avilés Sánchez, Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira


    International review of mechanical engineering

    Vol. 10, no. 7 (2016)