Use of a micromagnetic nondestructive test in the evaluation of the α'-martensitic transformation generated in the mechanical fatigue process of the AISI 304L stainless steel

Use of a micromagnetic nondestructive test in the evaluation of the α'-martensitic transformation generated in the mechanical fatigue process of the AISI 304L stainless steel

Roberto M. Giménez C., Freddy A. Franco G., Paula F. S. Farina



Agradecimentos: The authors thank Villares Metals S. A. (Brazil) for providing the fatigue specimens and performing the fatigue tests; the Fund for the Support to Research and Extension of University of Campinas (FAEPEX) (Conv. 519.292 Corr. 1424/2015); the Don Carlos Antonio López Scholarship of...

The detection of the strain-induced martensitic transformation with the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) was investigated in the high-cycle fatigue (HCF) of the AISI 304L stainless steel at different points of the surface of an hourglass-type specimen. Load controlled fatigue tests with loads below...


Use of a micromagnetic nondestructive test in the evaluation of the α'-martensitic transformation generated in the mechanical fatigue process of the AISI 304L stainless steel

Roberto M. Giménez C., Freddy A. Franco G., Paula F. S. Farina


Use of a micromagnetic nondestructive test in the evaluation of the α'-martensitic transformation generated in the mechanical fatigue process of the AISI 304L stainless steel

Roberto M. Giménez C., Freddy A. Franco G., Paula F. S. Farina


    IEEE transactions on magnetics

    Vol. 1, no. 1 (June, 2020)