Parameter estimation for the characterization of thermoacoustic stacks and regenerators

Parameter estimation for the characterization of thermoacoustic stacks and regenerators

Matthieu Guédra, Flavio C. Bannwart, Guillaume Penelet, Pierrick Lotton



Agradecimentos: The authors thank Hélène Bailliet, Andrzej Kusiak and Philippe Blanc-Benon for their remarks and suggestions about this work

This paper deals with the in-situ characterization of open-cell porous materials that might be used as a so-called stack (or regenerator) in a thermoacoustic engine. More precisely, the manuscript presents an inverse method aiming at estimating geometrical and thermal properties of various samples...


Parameter estimation for the characterization of thermoacoustic stacks and regenerators

Matthieu Guédra, Flavio C. Bannwart, Guillaume Penelet, Pierrick Lotton


Parameter estimation for the characterization of thermoacoustic stacks and regenerators

Matthieu Guédra, Flavio C. Bannwart, Guillaume Penelet, Pierrick Lotton


    Applied thermal engineering

    Vol. 80 (Apr., 2015), p. 229-237