4D petroelastic modeling based on a presalt well

4D petroelastic modeling based on a presalt well

E. P. A. Silva, A. Davólio, M. S. Santos, D. J. Schiozer



After their initial discovery in 2006, followed by an accumulated production of over 2 billion barrels of oil equivalent, the presalt carbonate reservoirs of offshore Brazil are now candidates for time-lapse seismic analysis. Therefore, we have conducted a 4D feasibility study in a Brazilian presalt...


4D petroelastic modeling based on a presalt well

E. P. A. Silva, A. Davólio, M. S. Santos, D. J. Schiozer


4D petroelastic modeling based on a presalt well

E. P. A. Silva, A. Davólio, M. S. Santos, D. J. Schiozer



    Vol. 8, no. 3 (Aug., 2020), p. T639-T649