Systematic approach to reduce uncertainties when quantitatively assimilating 4d seismic and well data

Systematic approach to reduce uncertainties when quantitatively assimilating 4d seismic and well data

Forlan La Rosa Almeida, Alessandra Davolio, Denis José Schiozer



History matching (HM) is a complex process that aims to increase the reliability of reservoir-simulation models. HM is an inverse problem with multiple solutions that call for probabilistic approaches. When observed data are integrated with sampling methods, uncertainty can be reduced by updating...


Systematic approach to reduce uncertainties when quantitatively assimilating 4d seismic and well data

Forlan La Rosa Almeida, Alessandra Davolio, Denis José Schiozer


Systematic approach to reduce uncertainties when quantitatively assimilating 4d seismic and well data

Forlan La Rosa Almeida, Alessandra Davolio, Denis José Schiozer


    SPE reservoir evaluation and engineering

    Vol. 23, no. 01 (Feb., 2020), p. 013-030