Biomechanical stress and strain analysis of mandibular human region from computed tomography to custom implant development

Biomechanical stress and strain analysis of mandibular human region from computed tomography to custom implant development

Rafael Ferreira Gregolin, Cecília Amelia de Carvalho Zavaglia, Ruís Camargo Tokimatsu, João A. Pereira



Currently computational tools are helping and improving the processes and testing procedures in several areas of knowledge. Computed tomography (CT) is a diagnostic tool already consolidated and now beginning to be used as a tool for something even more innovative, creating biomodels. Biomodels are...


Biomechanical stress and strain analysis of mandibular human region from computed tomography to custom implant development

Rafael Ferreira Gregolin, Cecília Amelia de Carvalho Zavaglia, Ruís Camargo Tokimatsu, João A. Pereira


Biomechanical stress and strain analysis of mandibular human region from computed tomography to custom implant development

Rafael Ferreira Gregolin, Cecília Amelia de Carvalho Zavaglia, Ruís Camargo Tokimatsu, João A. Pereira


    Advances in materials science and engineering

    Vol. 2017 (Apr., 2017), p. 1-9, n. art. 7525897