Comparative research of bacteria gram-negative and positive on ti-30ta alloy

Comparative research of bacteria gram-negative and positive on ti-30ta alloy

P. Capellato, D. Sachs, A.P.R.A. Claro, C.A.C. Zavaglia



The aim of this study was comparative research of response to bacteria Gram-negative and Gram-positive on Ti-30Ta alloy and Ti cp for dental implant application. Nowadays, the most used way to replace teeth lost is a dental implant. The common material used in dentistry is Titanium due to the high...


Comparative research of bacteria gram-negative and positive on ti-30ta alloy

P. Capellato, D. Sachs, A.P.R.A. Claro, C.A.C. Zavaglia


Comparative research of bacteria gram-negative and positive on ti-30ta alloy

P. Capellato, D. Sachs, A.P.R.A. Claro, C.A.C. Zavaglia


    Dental materials

    Vol. 35 (Sept., 2019), p. e6-e7