Monetisation model of intangible attributes observed in research, development and innovation projects : application in the electricity sector in Brazil

Monetisation model of intangible attributes observed in research, development and innovation projects : application in the electricity sector in Brazil

Elias Barquete Albarello, Carla Kazue Nakao Cavaliero, Moacyr Trindade De Oliveira Andrade



The main objective of this study is the application of a technology assessment process for generating monetary value to research and development (R&D) projects, especially in the electricity sector in Brazil. The use of a monetary value model to assess the technology in R&D is, in practice, still...


Monetisation model of intangible attributes observed in research, development and innovation projects : application in the electricity sector in Brazil

Elias Barquete Albarello, Carla Kazue Nakao Cavaliero, Moacyr Trindade De Oliveira Andrade


Monetisation model of intangible attributes observed in research, development and innovation projects : application in the electricity sector in Brazil

Elias Barquete Albarello, Carla Kazue Nakao Cavaliero, Moacyr Trindade De Oliveira Andrade


    International journal of technological learning, innovation and development

    Vol. 8, no. 2 (June, 2016), p. 129