Phase distribution analysis in an electrical submersible pump (ESP) inlet handling water-air two-phase flow using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

Phase distribution analysis in an electrical submersible pump (ESP) inlet handling water-air two-phase flow using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

Hugo Pineda, Jorge Biazussi, Fabio López, Bruno Oliveira, Ricardo D.M. Carvalho, Antonio Carlos Bannwart, Nicolas Ratkovich



Agradecimentos: The authors gratefully acknowledge Prof. Antonio Bannwart (LABPETRO-UNICAMP) for making the ESP test rig available for this study and Dr. Valdir Estevam (PETROBRAS) for his continued support in the development of this project. The authors acknowledge Universidad de los Andes,...

One problem presented in the oil and gas industry is the production of oil using artificial lift methods when two-phases (liquid–gas) are present. The monitoring and measurement of two-phase flows presents a challenge in engineering, changing continuously depending on the distribution and...


Phase distribution analysis in an electrical submersible pump (ESP) inlet handling water-air two-phase flow using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

Hugo Pineda, Jorge Biazussi, Fabio López, Bruno Oliveira, Ricardo D.M. Carvalho, Antonio Carlos Bannwart, Nicolas Ratkovich


Phase distribution analysis in an electrical submersible pump (ESP) inlet handling water-air two-phase flow using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

Hugo Pineda, Jorge Biazussi, Fabio López, Bruno Oliveira, Ricardo D.M. Carvalho, Antonio Carlos Bannwart, Nicolas Ratkovich


    Journal of petroleum science and engineering

    Vol. 139 (Mar., 2016), p. 49-61