Contact stiffness estimation in ANSYS using simplified models and artificial neural networks

Contact stiffness estimation in ANSYS using simplified models and artificial neural networks

Gabriel Hattori, Alberto Luiz Serpa



Agradecimentos: The authors thank ThyssenKrupp Metalúrgica Campo Limpo Ltda (Campo Limpo – Sao Paulo - Brazil) for the financial support

The elastic contact problem, as implemented in some commercial software such as ANSYS, depends on the user choice of some parameters such as normal contact stiffness, penetration limit and contact algorithms. This work investigates the artificial neural networks (ANN) potential to predict the value...


Contact stiffness estimation in ANSYS using simplified models and artificial neural networks

Gabriel Hattori, Alberto Luiz Serpa


Contact stiffness estimation in ANSYS using simplified models and artificial neural networks

Gabriel Hattori, Alberto Luiz Serpa


    Finite elements in analysis and design

    Vol. 97 (May., 2015), p. 43-53