Reduction of internal turning surface roughness by using particle damping aided by airflow

Reduction of internal turning surface roughness by using particle damping aided by airflow

Herbert Cesar Goncalves de Aguiar, Amauri Hassui, Daniel Iwao Suyama, Aristides Magri



agradecimentos: The authors would like to thank the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Campinas (FEM / UNICAMP), the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP), and Sandvik for supplying the test equipment

In internal turning of hardened steel carried out with cubic boron nitride (CBN) tools, the main concern is with the workpiece surface finishing, usually aiming to achieve a surface roughness similar to the attained in grinding processes along with gains in productivity. However, vibrations from the...


Reduction of internal turning surface roughness by using particle damping aided by airflow

Herbert Cesar Goncalves de Aguiar, Amauri Hassui, Daniel Iwao Suyama, Aristides Magri


Reduction of internal turning surface roughness by using particle damping aided by airflow

Herbert Cesar Goncalves de Aguiar, Amauri Hassui, Daniel Iwao Suyama, Aristides Magri


    International journal of advanced manufacturing technology

    Vol. 106 (Jan., 2020), p. 125-131, n. art. 43862