Modal balancing using parametric combination resonance

Modal balancing using parametric combination resonance

R.U. Mendes, F. Dohnal



Agradecimentos: The first author would like to thank grant #2015/20363-6, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), for the financial support for this research

In traditional modal balancing, a representative response of each mode to be balanced must be present in the measurement data. This is usually achieved by measuring the rotor response close to each critical speed corresponding to the modes of interest. The main disadvantage of this procedure is the...


Modal balancing using parametric combination resonance

R.U. Mendes, F. Dohnal


Modal balancing using parametric combination resonance

R.U. Mendes, F. Dohnal


    Mechanisms and machine science

    Vol. 63 (Aug., 2018), p. 129-144