Proposal of a smart hospital based on internet of things (IoT) concept

Proposal of a smart hospital based on internet of things (IoT) concept

Camilo Cáceres, João Mauricio Rosário, Dario Amaya



This article proposes the utilization of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation techniques oriented to a service-based business. Developing and proposing a methodology for the implementation and development of a smart hospital, taking as a foundation a traditional hospital. The approach is...


Proposal of a smart hospital based on internet of things (IoT) concept

Camilo Cáceres, João Mauricio Rosário, Dario Amaya


Proposal of a smart hospital based on internet of things (IoT) concept

Camilo Cáceres, João Mauricio Rosário, Dario Amaya


    Lecture notes in computer science

    Vol. 11379 (Mar., 2019), p. 93-104